Soul not skin

Look Deeper.

Welcome to my skin color series: Soul, Not Skin. These are real faces! They are all friends of mine who gave me permission to draw them. They are all different nationalities, but this is not their real skin color. I changed their skin to match the colors of the horses I grew up riding! I worked to show the spirit and personality of each of my friends, changing only their color.  I used a mixture of colored pencil, pen, and charcoal. They took a LONG time to make. I probably spent about 30-40 hours on the whole series.

Can humanity learn to see each other for our souls, not our skin? What do you think?
Please enjoy! I’d love to know your reaction. Send me a chat using my “Contact” page!

"Grace", mixed media. Grace is based off the color black, with star, snip, and half blue eye.

"SangDae."  SangDae's portrait is based off the color Dapple Gray.

"Brian" is based off the color Chestnut, with a white strip.

"Mikaela" is based off the color Appaloosa, with multicolored eyes.